Inching closer

To what, you ask? Hmmm. Give ya three guesses.

Actually, this is the time of year when, at 16 days until I see students again, I really try to kick things into gear for s****l to start.

I don’t know about other teachers, but every year about this time, it feels like I’m starting a new job. Private sector fiends: remember how you felt on your first day of work? A little nervy, maybe a bit apprehensive, or even worried? That’s how I feel every August. Maybe it’s because it’s always a case of “you never know what you’re gonna get.” I could have strong singers, or there could be gaping holes in the ensembles. I teach electives (except for 5th grade music class), so who knows how many will take me, and how many will want to stay after the first day?

What am I complaining about, though? Band directors have been at it for weeks already. [There’s a reason I chose vocal over instrumental.] :-)

I must admit, I have thought more about retirement this summer than any other summer before. Maybe it’s because I have three grandsons whose lives I am going to want to be a part of as they get older and in school. Ball games, concerts…I really want to be there for all that stuff. I’ll just have to plan more carefully.

It will shock many of you to know that I will mark off Wednesday nights in mid-September so I can continue with my cake decorating classes. That means no rehearsals for me on those nights. I haveĀ never done that before. It’s always been school first, and, well, everything else last. Not so this year. Choreography can wait.

Speaking of choreography…I’d better start while the Thriller is at class all day. Tap shoes, tap shoes. How I’m beginning to hate you.

But hey, for the moment, it’s the weekend — enjoy your Saturnday!

4 thoughts on “Inching closer

  1. Suzanne

    Hiya! I remember those First Day of S****l jitters, a mixture of excitement and fear at a new room full of little 6-7 year-olds . I imagine that facing kids older than that is worse HAAA j/k (not really I would never be able to teach Jr or High School.)

    I know you want to get cracking but I hope you find a little time during these last days to have some Last Minute Summer Fun!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey, I think all elementary school teachers have special crowns awaiting them in heaven. No joke!! I could never do what you did. I mean, I *have* done it, but I did not enjoy it because I knew I was a fish out of water. Give me middle school and high school with all their problems any day. HA

      When my college adviser was asked by a student what the difference was between teaching elementary band and teaching high school band, he said, “None, really. Same circus, bigger clowns.” LOL I’ve used that phrase ever since!

      And yep, I am definitely doing some last-minute relaxing, although I’m starting the opening number choreography today (Sunday). Need to loosen up my creaky neck!

  2. Meg's Mom


    I’m in the same boat! Every year I analyze what I did the year before and wonder how to make it better for my students. I think and plan and rethink and re-plan hoping I’ve come up with some tantalizing new nuggets to grab them…and me… one more time.

    One thing about it, it’s never boring! Overwhelming sometimes, but never boring!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I hear ya!

      My problem is that other things are starting to creep into my consciousness, crowding out the great push to opening day. I need some inspiration to get back on-track, or the 21st is going to be here and I will be caught under-prepared.

      Hey, it was great to see your kid last week!


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