Halfway there

So I didn’t get any choreography done yesterday, but I did get a start on some cake pop ideas. The bride and groom stopped by the house to visit and look at them, and they didn’t turn around and flee into the night, so I guess we’ll build on these designs. Not totally happy with how some of them turned out, but we shall keep working to perfect things.

Therefore, today shall be my dancing day…or maybe tomorrow. :-)

Someone posted a picture of macaroni and cheese on Facebook last night, and it got me to craving some, so I made up a batch, and the Thriller and I will nosh on it with sandwiches for our Super Bowl dinner. I long ago pledged that I would not make a big deal out of Super Bowl eats until it was my team playing in it. Which means, well…you know. Heh.

But first: Sunday morning waffles and scrambled eggs.  Time to get a move on. Enjoy your day, fiends — may the better team win. And we hope it’s the 49ers.


11 thoughts on “Halfway there

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Mave! I think that since Rae and Heffe were OK with the designs (minus the other white choc one…she saw turquoise too), I’ll just stick with this. You up to helping me wrap them up on Friday, 17 May, HMMMMM???????? :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yay! I’m glad you liked the vanilla. I’m planning some evil for the devil’s food flavor…folks might think the devil himself made them. Muaha.

  1. Suzanne

    OK I will cheer for the Ravens only because it’s a birdy name and it’s not the 49’rs. HA.

    Actually I give less of a you-know-what that you do LOL I’ve seen one Budweiser commercial and hope to see more this week. That’s all I care for.

    Have fun! More popcorn in a minute and watch another eppy of Boardwalk Empire.

    Oh, question. In Downton Abbey they used the phrase “sucking up”. Do you think they really used that phrase back then? There have been other things that didn’t make sense but of couse I can’t think of what they are.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hmm, I don’t know, now that you bring it up! I will have to check on the “sucking up” phrase — I will get my etymology on…

      YAY for Boardwalk Empire!!! Can’t wait till it comes back this spring. And cheer for the raven — NOT THE RAVENS!!! :P

        1. Rat Fink Post author

          You know…I heard the game and watched the halftime show. Disappointed with both. The only time I walked into the living room was when the Thriller said, “Hey, the lights just went off in the stadium.” HA

  2. BoomR

    I think they look DELISH!!! YUM!! What a really clever idea – esp for those who only want a “taste” of something, instead of a gi-humongous slide of cake!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank ya, doll! Yes, they are made to be “cake bites,” which is just a mouthful of a small treat. They’re plenty sweet, so they’d satisfy a sweet tooth or tide someone over until dinner starts. It’s my understanding that the cake pops will be table favors, pre-set at the guests’ places. Cute idea!


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