8 thoughts on “I like very few things today.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Dig this — the Thriller gets *in* the shower with him, gives him his bath, then finishes by taking a shower himself. ROFL

  1. Mavis

    I hope you like more things as the days go by, luv. It’s hard, but you’ll get there. Just look puppy in his lovable eyes, give him a big hug (preferably when he’s dry) and things will start to look up. You are loved!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You know that’s right, Mavis. I get happier with each passing day. ;-)

      Puppy will be especially clingy this morning. He hates it when the suitcases come out. Thank you for taking care of him today!

  2. BoomR

    Nothing better than a clean dog. This weekend is LONG overdue doggie spa day :-) hang in there, kiddo! xoxoxox

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Boom Boom. I’m looking forward to a major mind-clearing drive. Seventies classic rock on the Sirius, and the open road. Yippy! And the countdown to Dallas continues!


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